In the studio or on location, keep the production rolling


A teleprompter can be mounted on the camera to give the illusion of direct eye-contact with the viewer.

Stage directions can be entered into the teleprompter copy, and pickup takes are quick and easy.

With a teleprompter, the talent does not need to memorize the content and any revisions, so the primary focus can be on making a strong delivery.


Teleprompter monitors positioned off-camera can be used to give the appearance of conversation amongst multiple talent.

An off-camera monitor can also be set in place of an interviewer or producer to make the delivery of scripted copy come across as the natural response to a question.


Popularized by documentary film director Errol Morris, the Interrotron is an adaptation of the on-camera teleprompter system. The director faces an auxiliary camera, which feeds the teleprompter monitor.

Instead of viewing a script, the interviewee is now making eye contact with an image of the interviewer for a true first-person delivery to the audience.


Presenters stay on schedule, budgets stay on target

Downstage Monitors

Large monitors set along the front edge of the stage face the presenter, allowing free movement across the stage while referencing the script.

Podium System

Often used by executives and keynote speakers, this system allows a speech to be delivered from the podium without the need to look down at a paper copy of the script.

This allows the presenter to visually connect with the audience.

Projected Systems

Strategically located throughout the house, screens display the teleprompter image.

This raises the sightline of the presenter which broadens the range of  eye contact with the audience.

Proprietary systems are now available which allow the image to be viewed only by the presenter.


Photo Credit: ms.akr

Command leadership while connecting with the audience 

Podium System

First used by political candidates in the 1960's, podium teleprompter systems are also referred to as "Presidentials". 

Glass or mirror panels in front of the podium reflect an image of the script, allowing speakers to read the speech while maintaining eye contact throughout the audience. 

Originally designed to assist the speaker, a teleprompter is now almost an expected fixture on the stage.

Projected Systems

Strategically located out in the crowd, screens display the teleprompter image.

This raises the sightline of the presenter which broadens the range of eye contact with the audience.


Product demonstrations Product specifications

Downstage Monitors

At trade shows, product demonstrations move quickly in order to hold the attention of the attendees.

Products have many specifications which need to be clearly communicated.

Every step of the demonstration needs to be executed in order, with precision and without omission.

WIth a teleprompter, perfect delivery to customers and consumers can eliminate confusing or misunderstood information.